State Conference Quarterly Meeting
Greetings NAACP Constituents! As a reminder, the Illinois State Conference will host its Quarterly Meeting, under the facilitation and leadership of Madam State President Haley, on Saturday, August 12, 2023 commencing at 10:00 a.m. CST at Springfield NAACP office in Springfield, Illinois, Zoom capabilities will not be provided for this meeting.
Please note that the Quarterly Meetings are Mandatory for all Branch Presidents and State Chairs.
Per usual, we will review critical information relating to effective Branch operations and affairs, while also sharing State and National news. We also have several guest speakers joining our Quarterly Meeting.
Of course, it is the expectation that all Branch Officers and Chairs are present. Additionally, we welcome all members and guests who are aligned with the mission and vision of the NAACP.
Branch Secretaries, please disseminate this communication to your respective Branch members ASAP–and then again on Friday before meeting (as a reminder).